Principal's Welcome
Greetings BES families and community,
Welcome to Bethlehem Elementary School and the Bulldog family! I am privileged to serve as Principal of BES and to be a part of a culture steeped in rich tradition, community values, and academic excellence.
In January 2020, the State of Connecticut’s Next Generation Accountability Index report card named BES a “School of Distinction" among 162 schools across the state. Our faculty, staff, and I are focused on providing a quality learning experience for all students through varied curricular opportunities. We remain committed to capturing the joy of learning in children.
Further, Social and Emotional Learning is an essential part of our curriculum and centers around the Yale RULER program. We strive to develop intellectual curiosity, good citizenship, essential skills and behaviors in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment.
We aim to build strong relationships with all students and families. Our partnership with our families and community is essential, and drives the success of BES. We also encourage you to become involved through our PTO; your feedback and support are essential to our continued improvement.
I am truly excited about the partnerships we will build this school year. Go Bulldogs!
Warm regards,
Wendy Yatsenick
"Mrs. Y."